Doris Haldner

Das PPP-Pilotprojekt Neumatt in Burgdorf ist ein grosser Erfolg.

Ausländische Fachliteratur

Channeling CSR Funds through Public Private Partnerships - A German Case

Autorin: Julia Busse
Seiten: 112

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Increasing globalization has changed a company's responsibility towards the environment and society. Therefore, public private partnerships (PPP) have been set up trying to tackle global issues such as extreme poverty, child labour and environmental problems. This thesis tries to clarify to what extent PPPs can contribute to international development. At first the concepts of CSR and PPPs are introduced to later understand the importance of development agencies' PPP programmes, as these are used to further engage business in development. With the help of the case study "Cotton Made in Africa" which is part of the German PPP programme it is shown how private and public partners can jointly work together to tackle international grievances. Though, it is also highlighted which steps still need to be taken to increase development impact.
