Jean-Hugues Busslinger
Un PPP garanti la défense des intérêts publics et se révèle une solution «gagnant–gagnant» pour la collectivité publique et l’économie.
13.02.2014 (10:00 - 13:00)
Geneva, Switzerland, Palais des Nations, Salle VII
The UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence (ICoE) was established in 2012 to identify international best
practices in public private partnerships (PPPs) and to develop international PPP standards. The ICoE also helps
governments to implement PPP best practices and standards through, inter alia, the services of the Business
Advisory Board (BAB).
A number of Specialist Centres affiliated to the ICoE are being established in countries to identify international
PPP best practices and models in specific sectors, such as, water and sanitation, health (the Philippines),
renewable energy (Morocco), and ICT for sustainable development (Azerbaijan). These sectors have been
identified as priority areas of work of the ICoE in 2014.
Participation is free of charge.