Tobiolo Gianella

Le PPP soulage les finances publiques pendant que les autorités gardent la main dans les choix opératifs et stratégiques les plus importants.

Conférences générales

UNECE PPP workshop on people first PPPs

Bangkok, Thailand

The UNECE is organising a Workshop on People first PPPs in Bangkok, Thailand, on Friday, 23 September 2016. This Workshop is jointly organised by the PPP unit at UNECE and our colleagues working on trade facilitation and economic commerce (UN CEFACT).

The workshop is expected to cover the following topics:

  1. People first PPP projects (including projects in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Tajikistan and Thailand);
  2. The UNECE work on people first PPPs; and
  3. A roundtable discussion on the UNECE draft guiding principles on people first PPPs for the UN Sustainable Development goals.

An earlier version of the draft guiding principles was presented in Geneva in May 2016 but since then the secretariat organised two consultative meetings (one in Geneva and one in China) and is in the process of updating it. An updated version will be ready in time for the Bangkok meeting.

Participation in the Workshop if free of charge. Please contact the secretariat at if you are interested in participating (participants are expected to pay for their travel expenses). Please also let us know if you are interested in participating by video conference.

