Jacky Gillmann

Le PPP demande d’élargir les réflexions au-delà du simple acte de construire, ce qui est bénéfique pour toutes les parties prenantes.

Conférences générales

PPP standard for Grid-Connected Renewable Energy in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies - Public Review


The Project Team on the PPP Standard for Grid-Connected Renewable Energy in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies has great pleasure to present the draft version 1.0 of the standard that we would like to enter into the Public Review phase as of today. 

The document has been released for Public Review on the day of entry into force of the Paris Agreement and just before the start of COP 22. 

We hope that this Public Review phase can last until 7 January 2017 in order to allow all parties to have sufficient time to comment.

  • We request that all comments during Public Review use the "Template for Comments and Observations" which is attached to this note.
  • The Team has not planned to consider any comments which do not use this template and which do not propose changes to allow to comply with the comments / observations made.

As we have made conscious efforts to reach out to many organizations and have attempted to make a fully transparent development and drafting process, we hope to have addressed most serious comments during this phase we have just finalised. 

Please let us know if you need any further information or other elements. 

The main references and contributors of the draft are mentioned in the page of the Project Team, who we thank very much for their very detailed contributions. All contributions received have been integrated into this draft version 1.0 – so this is a complete document. 

A special personal thanks to all members of the "PPP Standard for Grid-Connected Renewable Energy in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies" Project Team for their dedication and support. 

The draft text of the project and the template to submit comments are attached to this note and also are available here. You can visit the project website and find the draft standard, comments and revisions here

Comments should be submitted to the UNECE PPP Secretariat at pppenergy@unece.org and the Team Leader MS. Ana-Katarina Hajduka atana.hajduka@africagreenco.com using the Public Review Comments Template. 

Thank you. 

Kind regards, 

Claudio Meza 
