Prof. Dr. A. Lienhard
L’accomplissement des missions de service public en coopération est bien légitimé constitutionnellement.
03.09.2015 - 04.09.2015
Geneva, Switzerland
In September the United Nations will adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide the work of the international community on economic and environmental issues for the next 15 years. The challenge of sustainable development is to reconcile the aspirations of current generations for economic prosperity with the need to preserve our planet for future generations.
The topics on which our committee and its teams of specialists have been working, i.e. promoting innovation and competitiveness, and promoting PPPs for infrastructure investments, are recognized in Sustainable Development Goal no.9.
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
The international policy dialogue at the committee session will discuss how we as a community of practice can contribute to this goal.
More information about the SDGs can be found here.
As a backdrop to this discussion, we will organize a high-level international conference on Wednesday, 2 September on "Unlocking the Economic Potential For Sustainable Development". At this conference, which we are holding jointly with the UNECE Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards, we will discuss the role of innovation, PPPs but also trade in achieving sustainable development.
For more information, and to register, please visit this page.