Jean-Hugues Busslinger
Un PPP garanti la défense des intérêts publics et se révèle une solution «gagnant–gagnant» pour la collectivité publique et l’économie.
08.12.2008 12:00 - 09.12.2008 17:00
Public-Private Partnerships – Future Directions. This policy seminar aims to discuss key policy issues relevant to PPP in Europe, bringing together key stakeholders to develop a common assessment of the risks, opportunities and challenges in key emerging areas of debate relevant to PPP.
The key issues for discussion at this year’s seminar will include the impact of the global financial crisis on PPP, emerging methods of implementing Competitive Dialogue, management of PPP contracts and recent developments in the EU legislative framework.
The seminar follows the recent publication by EIPA of “Public-Private Partnerships – A decision maker’s guide”, a copy of which is included in the seminar documentation.
The style of the seminar will be interactive to ensure the widest possible exchange of experiences and perspectives.
The seminar should be of particular interest to policy makers, lawyers, financiers, economists, public officials, academics and service providers within EU Member States, candidate countries and beyond who are engaged with PPP. It should also be of interest to officials in European organisations.
The seminar will be conducted in English.
For more information on the seminar please consult the attachment below.
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)